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98.斤 axe

疑 suspect 邻 neighbor 盗 steal 斧 axe

Once upon a time, a village man lost his axe. He suspected that his neighbor's son, Dadong, had stolen it.

Suspicious, he began to watch Dadong was the thief. But a few days later, the villager found his axe in the valley where he had been chopping trees before. On his way home, he bumped into Dadong again. This time, he found that Dadong did not look like a thief.

This story criticizes people who like to accuse others’ of wrong-doing based on personal feeling rather than facts.

【拼音】yí lín dào fǔ


【出处】《吕氏春秋·有始览·去尤》人有亡鈇者,意者邻之子,视其行步,窃鈇也;颜色,窃鈇也;言语,窃鈇 也;动作态度,无为而不窃鈇也。俄而抇其谷而得其鈇,他日复见其邻人之子,动作态度,无似窃鈇者。

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