13.言【讠】部 speech
言talking(here 言used as an auxiliary word)归restore于to好good relations
During the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋时期(BC 770—476), princes under the emperor competed to expand their territories and authority, which caused many wars. To stop the endless violence, in 615 BC, Emperor Qi 齐桓公held a meeting in a city called Kuiqiu 葵丘会盟to discuss forming alliances among the princes. As a result of this meeting, the princes agreed to three things: there would be no more obstructing water resources; no more impeding food circulation, and no more hereditary officials. The Princes put aside their past hostilities and became reconciled. Later, people use 言归于好to describe any situation in which people stop fighting each other and become friends again.
【拼音】yán guī yú hǎo
【出自】 《左传·僖公九年》:“凡我同盟之人,既盟之后,言归于好。”