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15.竹部 bamboo


In the Northern Song Dynasty北宋, A painter named Wentong文同 was famous for his paintings of bamboos.

Why was he so good at painting bamboos? His secret was that he planted all kinds of bamboos around his house, so he could observe these bamboos growing and changing in different seasons and in different weather conditions. Gradually, the varied images of these bamboos were imprinted in his mind, and appeared vividly before his eyes whenever he began to paint.

A poet described Wentong’s great skill in painting bamboo as 胸有成竹—the concept of bamboo exists in painter’s mind before painting. Later, people used this idiom to describe the situation of having a well-thought-out plan beforehand.

【拼音】xiōng yǒu chéng zhú 【含义】成竹:完整的竹子;胸:心里。原指画竹子时要在心里有一幅竹子的形象。后比喻做事之前早有通盘的考虑和谋划。 


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