19.石部 stone; rock
It is said that in the Jin Dynasty, there was a Magistrate of Jingyang County, named Xu Xun, who could do magic. One year, due to terrible weather conditions, there was no harvest of grain. Peasants were not able to pay their taxes. Xu Xun then used his magic to help the people. He touched a stone and immediately it turned into a piece of gold. He distributed the gold to all the peasants so that they could use it to pay their taxes.
Now the idiom 点石成金also means to turn a crude essay into a literary gern.
【拼音】diǎn shí chéng jīn
【出处】点石成金,同“ 点铁成金 ”。神仙故事中说仙人用手指一点使铁变成金子,比喻把不好的文字改好。出自宋·胡仔 《苕溪渔隐丛话后集·孟浩然》:“诗句以一字为工,自然颖异不凡,如灵丹一粒,点石成金也。”《西游记》第四四回:“我那师父,呼风唤雨,只有翻掌之间;指水为油,点石成金,却如转身之易。” 郭沫若 《关于大规模收集民歌问题》:“我们有点经验的人都知道,诗,硬是可以点石成金的嘛!改一个字,诗就活了。”