30.邑【阝右】部 city
五five邑city侨oversea乡town 五邑is located in the Jiangmen City江门 in the west of Zhujiang Delta珠江三角洲 of Guangdong Province. Because Jiangmen...
29.刀【刂】部 knife
刀knife耕plough火fire种plant In ancient times, peasants in China farmed using the slash-and burn method—刀耕火种. This method involves burning...
28.目部 eye
刮rub目eye相to看look During the Three Kingdoms Period, there was a General in the Wu State Named Lv(吕蒙). Lv came from a poor family and had...
27.犬【犭】部 dog; animal
狂crazy犬dog吠bark日sun Once upon a time, there was crazy dog. It attacked everything from people and animals. One day, the dog went out and...
26.衣【衤】部 clothes; clothing
一one衣带clothing strip水water At the end of the Southern Dynasties 南朝 (420—589), there was a State located south of the Yangzi River 长江known...
25.辵【辶】部 walking; movement
随Sui与and隋Sui朝Dynasty Character 随originally was used for the Sui Dynasty (581—618) because the surname of the First Emperor in the Sui...
24.疒部 sickness
病disease入attack膏肓vitals King of the Jin State was very ill. He had seen many doctors, but his symptoms did not get any better. One day,...
23.鸟【鳥】部 bird
百hundred鸟birds朝follow凤phoenix Long, long ago, the phoenix was just one of among hundreds of ordinary birds. The phoenix, however, was a...
22.足部 foot
画draw蛇snake添add足feet A long time ago, a family gave their God an offering of a jar of wine. After the ceremony, the host of the family...
21.山部 mountain
愚foolish公old移move山mountain Once upon a time, there was an old man. People called him Yugong愚公 (Foolish man). He was about 90 years old....