23.鸟【鳥】部 bird
百hundred鸟birds朝follow凤phoenix Long, long ago, the phoenix was just one of among hundreds of ordinary birds. The phoenix, however, was a...
22.足部 foot
画draw蛇snake添add足feet A long time ago, a family gave their God an offering of a jar of wine. After the ceremony, the host of the family...
21.山部 mountain
愚foolish公old移move山mountain Once upon a time, there was an old man. People called him Yugong愚公 (Foolish man). He was about 90 years old....
20.鱼【魚】部 fish
缘climb木tree求catch鱼fish In the Spring and Autumn Period春秋时期, the King of Qi 齐宣王intended to rule his state with force. However, Mencius...
19.石部 stone; rock
点touch石stone成become金gold It is said that in the Jin Dynasty, there was a Magistrate of Jingyang County, named Xu Xun, who could do magic....
18.日【曰】部 sun
夸父(Kuafu, name of a giant)逐chase日sun In remote antiquity, a group of giants lived deep in the mountains of northern China. The Head of...
17.王【玉】部 king; jade
抛cast砖brick引attract玉jade In ancient China there lived a man named Zhao Gu赵嘏, who wrote very good poems. Another man – Chang Jian常建 –also...
16.火【灬】部 fire
火fire烧burn赤red壁cliff (Red Cliff: a place name) This is a another story from the novel of the Three Kingdoms三国. In 208, Cao Cao曹操 – King...
15.竹部 bamboo
胸chest有have成mature竹bamboo In the Northern Song Dynasty北宋, A painter named Wentong文同 was famous for his paintings of bamboos. Why was he...
14.女部 female
女娲name of a goddess补patch天sky In remote antiquity, there was a goddess named 女娲. It is said that she had a human head and a snake body. ...