53.尸部 house; corpse
碎break尸corpse万ten thousand段piece This idiom is used to express feelings of extreme hatred towards an enemy. It means you want to tear...
52.戈部 weapon
同same室room操operate戈dagger-axe (an ancient weapon) This idiom is used to describe internal strife, such as when family members fight each...
51.攴【攵】部 action by using hands
推to push敲to knock Jia Dao贾岛 was a great Poet who lived in the Tang Dynasty. One day, he wrote a poem that began:鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门(birds are...
50.革部 leather
马horse革hide裹wrap尸corpse 马革裹尸literally means to be wrapped in a horse hide after death (figuratively—to die on the battle field). In the...
49.彳部 small steps
彳和亍 The commonly accepted meanings of the characters 彳and亍are “small steps” and “stop walking” respectively. Another translation fro 彳is...
48.十部 perfect; many
十ten全complete十ten美perfect In the Zhou Dynasty, a doctor’s payment was based the cure rate of his patients. If ten of his patients all...
47.田部 land; field
井well田land制system In the Western Zhou Dynasty西周, all land were owned by the emperor’s family. In order to make it easy to loan the land...
46.米部 rice
鱼fish米rice之of乡town 鱼米之乡means a and of fish and rice. It is used to describe a place that is rich in agricultural and fishing products,...
45.大部 big
雷thunder声sound大lound,雨rain点drops小small 雷声大,雨点小The thunder is loud but the raindrops are small. This idiom can be used to describe a...
44.广部 big house
广厦mansions千万thousands间(a measure word for room) The famous Chinese Poet, Du Fu杜甫 (712-770) was born in Gong County巩县 of Henan Province河南省...