60.又部 hand
无no功contribution不not受receive禄reward Once, Confucius visited Emperor Qi. The Emperor wanted to bestow on Confucius a piece of land, but...
59.厂部 house; sheiter
高high楼building大large厦mansion Which city holds the densest concentration of skyscrapers in the world? The answer is Hong Kong. Between...
58.雨部 rain
呼summon风wind唤call for雨rain In the Ya’an雅安 area of Sichuan Province四川省 there is a mountain with an ancient well at its peak. According to...
57.囗部 enclose
围besiege城city打attack援relief troops In Chinese military history, there was a classic battle named 虎牢之战—the Battle of Hulao. It was in the...
56.舟部 boat
刻mark舟boat求seek剑sword Once upon a time, a gentleman with a sword rode a ferry across a river. Unfortunately, when they reached the...
55.力部 strength
手hand无no缚truss up鸡chicken之of力strength 手无缚鸡之力literally means “He/she lacks the strength to truss a chicken.” This idiom is used to...
54.穴部 hole; cave; den
千thousand里mile之of堤dyke,溃collapse于from蚁ant穴hole 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴means that one ant hole may cause the collapse of a thousand miles of dyke. This...
53.尸部 house; corpse
碎break尸corpse万ten thousand段piece This idiom is used to express feelings of extreme hatred towards an enemy. It means you want to tear...
52.戈部 weapon
同same室room操operate戈dagger-axe (an ancient weapon) This idiom is used to describe internal strife, such as when family members fight each...
51.攴【攵】部 action by using hands
推to push敲to knock Jia Dao贾岛 was a great Poet who lived in the Tang Dynasty. One day, he wrote a poem that began:鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门(birds are...